In order to create an artistic landmark on the old Route 66, Annex:art is erecting a 300 ft long art wall along its frontage to the epic roadway. The wall will contain sixty 8ft x 8ft sections for a total of 3840 SqFt of art surfaces adjacent to the historic Acoma Curio Shop.
International volunteers from the Workaway project have been charged with the duty of constructing the wall in San Fidel. Once completed, artists will be invited to transform the surfaces into an open-air, drive by gallery.
The wall will have two sides. The outer facade will be a "drive-by" gallery on Route 66. Whilst the inside facing sections will become an intricate part of the contiguous half-acre sculpture garden.

Route 66 Art Wall & Mural Project
This project will be listed with many of the websites dedicated to the preservation of Route 66, including the National Parks Services' website. Additionally, images of the project will be sent to publications and websites which deal directly with the marketing of Route 66. This also includes notifying and working with federal and state agencies focused on the economic revitalization of the communities along the renowned highway.
Artist who wish to become involved in this project have multiple opportunities to do so. Some of the workshops being offered at this time enable artists to create a lasting contributions to the art wall. These may be possible directly as a participant in one of the scheduled workshops or artists who have participated in a workshop are eligible to stay on in San Fidel to utilize their skills in producing a work of art on one of the 8 x 8 foot sections of wall.
Another option which is available is to schedule a self-directed artist residency in San Fidel. Upon approval of the design for a segment of the "art wall", resident artists are able to create the approved artwork on the wall. From time-to-time, based on available funding, designated sponsored residencies will be offered for the purpose of completing art on a portion of the wall.