plein air watercolor
This 4-day plein air workshop will be staged in the picturesque surroundings of the Prignitz in northern Germany. This idyllic rural area offers many wide reaching panoramas and subtle villages which will provide the perfect subject matter for the participant artists. The workshop has been structured to include three days of plein air painting at various off site locations as well as one day in the indoor studio space.
In this workshop artists will be coached in the importance of supplies selection with an overview of the various types of paper, brushes and types of watercolor. The facilitator will reveal much of his insight to the elements of composition, the importance of drawing and the skill of including transparency and opacity in a watercolor painting. Through his expertise guidance, the participants will experiment with the a myriad of techniques involved in painting with watercolor and its results on on various types of paper.

facilitator: eugen gorean
Eugen Gorean, is a young watercolor artist from Moldova. He has exhibited his work throughout the European Union in places such as France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal as well as in the U.S.A and Russia. This talented young artist additional dedicates much time and energy in facilitating water workshops with students wishing to learn and study various watercolor techniques.
Although he is only 23 years old, Eugen has managed to woo the foreign public with his works, which are full of atmosphere, lyricism, talent and artistry. He has received great praise and respect from international artists, many much older than he, and has been welcomed with open arms into their circles as a peer of equal status.
more about the facilitator: